About Me
Thank you for visiting my website
I hope you enjoy viewing my artwork. All work is for sale so if you would like to own a unique,original piece of art please contact me by email.
The work on display is, in the main, based on the human figure although there are a small number of watercolour/mixed media paintings on a separate page.
When drawing from life I prefer to use a blue or black pen/biro as the media is immediately permanent and unforgiving, forcing me to, as far as possible, get it right first time.
By way of background I have had a life long love of art, both creating and its history. Other than 3 months on a foundation art school course in the 1970’s I am self taught. Real life diverted me into a 45 year career in the UK civil service from which I retired fully in 2020, a month before the first Covid lockdown ! Bringing up a family and work commitments meant that for over 25 years I did not do any artwork at all. It was a sporting injury that brought me back to art approximately 15 years ago. It is however only in the last 7 years that I have been drawing with any regularity.
Again, thank you for taking the time to view the work. I hope you like them